Why do I need a police report after an accident?
First of all, to document the wreck and that it actually happened to also document the parties and you’ll know who the other driver was in case you had been injured and you want to seek legal recourse. Knowing who the other driver is who their insurance company is that’s all found in the police report. But most importantly you want a police officer and you want that police report in case one of the facts might be incorrect. The sooner you can go to that police officer and discuss the inaccuracy there’s a greater likelihood that the police officer will agree with you and correct that inaccuracy. Whereas if if you come to us years later and we try to discuss it it an accurate fact or an accurate finding in a police report their police officer is not going to remember that. And he or she is going to have a difficult time having that conversation with us to be perfectly candid. Whereas if you find yourself in a wreck get the police report ok get it as soon as possible and then when you see us we’ll discuss that and that’s something we’ll go over with you. And if you look at that police report it’s actually, I think this might be wrong. Then we’ll help you walk we’ll walk you through that and we’ll help you go to the police officer and see what their reasoning was for that, for that finding sometimes it’s a simple matter the police officer saying you know what, I meant to put Driver 2 and I put driver one down and two I can correct that. And that’s important to do early on your case why the police officer still has a recollection of you and then if you wait two years later chances are the police officer isn’t going to remember your events. So if you’re in a wreck, I highly recommend try to get your hands on the police report as quickly as possible. And after you do that come see us at Bailey Javins & Carter and we’ll we’ll walk you through that.