Why It’s Important to Follow Doctor’s Orders After a Trucking Accident

After being involved in a traumatic event like a trucking accident, it’s important to prioritize your health and well-being. One of the most important steps you can take toward recovery is following your doctor’s orders. Some victims find this challenging, particularly if they feel pressured to get back to work to avoid the financial fallout of their crash.

Learn more about why you must follow your doctor’s care instructions after a crash—and when you’re ready to start your case, call Bailey Javins & Carter at 800-497-0234.

Understanding the Connection Between Health and Legal Outcomes

In the aftermath of a trucking accident, the path to recovery focuses on your physical well-being and potential legal pursuits. They may seem like two entirely separate paths, but they actually lean on each other heavily as you seek health and fair compensation.

The documentation of your injuries, medical care, and treatment history all become an important part of the evidence for your case. Not only does it show how far you’ve come, it highlights the losses you have suffered because of a negligent truck driver or trucking company. On top of that, treatment records show that you are doing your part as a patient by adhering to the treatment plan and working toward your own recovery.

The Legal Ramifications of Ignoring Medical Advice

When you disregard your doctor’s instructions following a trucking accident, you inadvertently strengthen the other party’s legal claim. Insurance companies and defense attorneys love cases involving non-compliant patients since their failure to follow a treatment plan serves as evidence that their injuries are either overstated or not directly linked to the accident. This can drastically undermine your case and make it harder to get the compensation you deserve.

Moreover, this approach can paint a picture of negligence on your part, hinting at a lack of serious commitment to your own recovery. As you may expect, this can drive down the value of your claim considerably. As a victim, you still have an obligation to mitigate the damage of the accident. That means attending appointments, putting in a good-faith effort to try recommended treatment options, and avoiding activities that can cause you further injury.

How Medical Compliance Strengthens Your Case

By carefully following your doctor’s recommendations after a trucking accident, you not only pave the way for your recovery but also boost the credibility of your legal claim. Your adherence shows the accident’s impact on your life, offering clear evidence that you are committed to recovery and ready to move on with your life. 

Additionally, it shows that you’ve undertaken all necessary steps to mitigate your injuries, which can make it harder for the insurance company to pin the current state of your injuries on you.

As an added benefit, detailed medical documentation supports your claim. The more evidence you have proving the extent of your injuries and the multitude of treatment options you’ve tried, the more the insurance company will struggle to deny the legitimacy of your injuries and other losses.

What About Returning to Work?

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to medical compliance is waiting to return to work until your treating doctor has approved you to do so. If you’re struggling with this, you’re not alone. Many accident victims feel enormous pressure to return to work well before they are ready because they have bills to pay, ever-growing medical debt, and a family to take care of. 

However, returning to work against medical advice can negatively impact your claim and ultimately leave you without the compensation you need. You may want to look into other options, such as paid time off, FMLA, loans from family members, or pulling from savings. The short-term benefits of ignoring your doctor’s orders may very well result in serious financial losses.

Choose Bailey Javins & Carter for Your Truck Accident Case

Wondering what your next steps are after a truck accident in Charleston? Let’s sit down and talk about what comes next and what we can do for you. During your free consultation, we’ll learn more about your accident and come up with a path forward. Contact us online or call us at 800-497-0234.